Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Tigers – When Hunters Become Victims

Tigers… I’ve always wanted to have one. They seem so cute (especially, when they are young) and inoffensive. But, now (because I am not a child anymore) I perfectly understand, that these beautiful and powerful animals are dangerous, but they still need our help, our protection. Unfortunately, nowadays, tigers are an endangered species. Earlier, there were 8 species of tigers and now 3 of them are extinct and 5 are endangered.

Tigers are predators and the largest feline species in our world. Also, they are the heaviest cats in the wild. In general, tigers’ length is from 2 m to 4 m and their weight – 306 kg. Tigers have bright reddish fur coats and black or brown stripes (as a rule, tigers have approximately 100 stripes). They make tigers so recognizable! It is interesting, but pattern of stripes is unique to each tiger, the same as fingerprints to a person. For most of us the Bengal Tiger, is a typical representative of all tigers and namely its image we imagine while speaking about tigers, ’cause they constitute nearly 80% of the entire tiger population. Tigers live in India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, China, Russia (the Siberian tiger is capable of surviving in extremely cold areas!), Thailand, Indonesian, Laos etc.

The word “tiger” comes from the Greek “tigris” and means an “arrow”, because of their amazing reaction and speed. Present day tigers are strong swimmers, they prefer swimming in ponds, rivers and lakes.

Unfortunately, tigers are haunted for their fur, bones of tigers are used in Chinese traditional medicine, for example in pain killers. But, it was banned. Very often tigers are called men-killers and sometimes, these things really happen. As a rule, only injured or very old tigers attack people. A tiger that killed a person will be killed or poisoned.

By the way, in a poll from Animal Planet, tigers were named World’s Favourite Animal, tigers got 10 904 votes, 17 votes more than dogs. More and more people keep or want to keep tigers as pets. A tiger is a potential danger. Most people don’t understand that keeping a tiger as a pet is almost unrealistic fantasy – give the wolf the best food, but he would hanker for the wood.

There are incredible white tigers, they are just a mutation, but a very beautiful one, yeah?

taken from :

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